New project: OpenStack P1
Building a MAAS based Openstack Cluster with JuJu:
- Dell R710 II
- Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Proxmox
- LXC Containers
- JuJu
- Openstack
- Ubuntu 16.04.2LTS
- Librenms
Virtual Node Setup:
LXC1: Ubuntu 16.04LTS MAAS Rack Controler 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC2: Ubuntu 16.04LTS JuJu 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC3: Ubuntu 16.04LTS Compute Node 1 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC4: Ubuntu 16.04LTS Compute Node 2 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC5: Ubuntu 16.04LTS Compute Node 3 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
Both of the Dell R710s have dual L5640 and 48GB RAM. This means that Openstack will have sufficient resources to run vm's in the cloud! As Virgin Media dynamic public IP addresses rarely change, I will be able to place the cluster on another vlan with a virtualised firewall separating it from my network and thus have a remotely accessible VM cluster that I can access from anywhere in the world so long as the internet connection is fairly stable. Nomachine is a free (for non-commercial use ) remote desktop software that I will be using on bad internet connections as it uses H.264 encoding and so provides a reliable real time connection where bandwidth is limited.
In part two I will start building out the Openstack cluster and deploying on my lan for alpha testing. Stay tuned....
LXC1: Ubuntu 16.04LTS MAAS Rack Controler 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC2: Ubuntu 16.04LTS JuJu 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC3: Ubuntu 16.04LTS Compute Node 1 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC4: Ubuntu 16.04LTS Compute Node 2 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
LXC5: Ubuntu 16.04LTS Compute Node 3 5GB HDD 4GB RAM 2vCores
Both of the Dell R710s have dual L5640 and 48GB RAM. This means that Openstack will have sufficient resources to run vm's in the cloud! As Virgin Media dynamic public IP addresses rarely change, I will be able to place the cluster on another vlan with a virtualised firewall separating it from my network and thus have a remotely accessible VM cluster that I can access from anywhere in the world so long as the internet connection is fairly stable. Nomachine is a free (for non-commercial use ) remote desktop software that I will be using on bad internet connections as it uses H.264 encoding and so provides a reliable real time connection where bandwidth is limited.
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